

2025-26年度  国際ロータリー第2750地区



ー 記 ー

1. 目的


2. 奨学金の期間、奨学金の額
2-1 奨学金の期間:1年間
2-2 奨学金の額:40,000米ドル


3. 募集人員


4. 応募資格
4-1 次の要件を満たす者は、応募することができます。
1)国際ロータリー第2750地区内に本籍(Permanent Address)、または現住所(Present Address)があること。
4-2 次の者は応募することができません。


5. 奨学金給付の条件


6. 応募方法
6-1 留学希望大学院の特定
6-2 応募の方法
6-3 応募の期間


7. 選考
(1) 第1次選考
(2) 申請書のプレチェック
ロータリー財団本部における書類審査 2024年11月16日〜12月1日
(3) 第2次選考(最終選考)第2次選考とプレチェックの両方に合格した方がプログラム参加資格を得ます。

8. 最終選考から出国までの流れ


9. 注意

申込みはMail : sekine@rid2750.org まで送付して下さい

ロータリー財団奨学生 同意書  …     署名し送付して下さい(全頁PDFにて)
ロータリー財団奨学生 申込書  … 記入し送付して下さい(WORDとPDFの2部にて)

R e s u m e (Scholarship introduction) … 二次選考候補者のみ(和英併記、PDFにて)


RI2750  Global Grant Scholarship Program for applicants in Guam, Saipan, Micronesia, and Palau

Scholarship Alumni VTT Committee (2024.7.01)


2025-26 Rotary International District 2750
Global Grant Rotary Scholars

Rotary International District 2750 (including the southern half of Tokyo and Guam, Saipan, Micronesia, and Palau) welcomes application for the 2025-26 Rotary Scholarship by Rotary International District 2750. We look forward to hearing from eligible candidates described below. 


1. Purpose
Rotary Scholarship program of Rotary International District 2750 is designed by discretion of Rotary International District 2750 with Rotary Global grant The purpose of this scholarship is to support scholars who wish to contribute to the world in the fields of Rotary’s seven areas of focus throughout the career develop professional knowledge and academic skills, and help them grow as a good member of society with global perspective and goodwill. The scholars shall serve the role as a bridge between the sponsoring country and the hosting country, and brings interaction of Rotary clubs with communities. 


2. Term and Amount
2-1 Term: 1 year
2-2 Amount: 40,000 USD

Each scholar will be paid a flat rate of US$40,000 for round-trip airfare for one person in the economy class, tuition, course materials, lodging equivalent to a dormitory with double occupancy, and food for university cafeteria level. 


3. Number of grant recipient:

Four (4).

4. Eligibility

4-1 Those who meet the following requirements can apply.
(1) The goal is to build a career in one of the following seven areas of focus. Therefore, the educational goals of the desired course must be related to the following. MBA applicants are not eligible.
<Seven Areas of Focus>


  • Peacebuilding and Conflict Prevention
  • Disease Prevention and Treatment
  • Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene
  • Maternal and Child Health
  • Basic Education and Literacy
  • Community Economic Development (MBA excluded)
  • Environment


*For more information on Seven Areas of Focus, see ”Our Causes” of Rotary International website.
(2) Those who have completed or are expected to complete a university course by April 2025. There is no restriction by gender, marital status, or age.
(3) Proficiency in the language of the hosting country. (The applicant must have obtained a level of language proficiency that is a condition for admission to the graduate school).
(4) Applicant for a graduate-level educational program for Fall 2025 enrollment.
(5) Accommodation in the area of admitted educational institution with quick access to the hosting Rotary district. The scholars are to participate in the activities of hosting Rotary Clubs and District.
(6) One of the following applies:
1) You have a permanent or present residential address in Rotary International District 2750.
2) You are a student at a university or a graduate school, or have a full-time job in Rotary International District 2750. 

4-2 The following persons are not eligible. 

  • Current Rotarians, Employees of clubs, district, other Rotary entities, or Rotary International, the spouses; children or grandchildren by blood, legal adoption, or marriage without adoption; the spouses of those children or grandchildren, or parents or grandparents by blood of people listed above and employees of agencies, organization, or institutions that partner with Rotary International or the Foundation. Former Rotarians and people who the familial relationships to former Rotarians described above.
  • Those who have already enrolled in the educational institution of their choice.


5. Terms and Conditions

(1) Candidates must read and agree to The Rotary Foundation’s terms and conditions for receiving the scholarship.
*See Global Grant Scholarship Supplement of Global grants for “Terms and Conditions for Rotary Foundation Global Grants” and the “areas of focus policy statements” for detailed requirements. 

(2) In the event of poor academic performance, poor conduct, failure to submit a report, or any other failure to meet the conditions for scholarship, the program will be terminated. (If the gran has been paid in full, you will be required to refund.)
(3) After the academic program or returning to Japan, the student must stay in in touch with the sponsoring Rotary Club and report the academic achievement to the Rotary International District 2750 and/or Rotary clubs in the district upon request. You shall automatically join the Rotary International District 2750 Alumni. 


6. How to Apply

6-1 Identify a graduate school you apply.

1) Country or region of the school location has to have a Rotary club.
2) Application has to have a name of graduate school the candidate has the acceptance letter from or is to apply to.
3) If you do not have an acceptance letter as of interview day, you must submit it to the interviewer by April 15, 2025. A delay may lead to disqualification

6-2 How to apply
1) To apply, fill out the application form at the end of this guideline and submit it by email to one of the followings;  


  • Any Rotary club near your home or place of work


The Rotary club you sent the application to will be the sponsor club.


  • Rotary International District 2750, The Rotary Foundation Scholarship Committee (not applicable for Guam, Saipan, Micronesia, and Palau)


The Scholarship Committee will assign a sponsoring Rotary club for you

6-3 Application Period

Applications shall be accepted from July 1, 2024 ~ September 30, 2024.
If you have any questions about application, please contact the scholarship committee of Rotary International District 2750 through any Rotary club in the district, or The Rotary Foundation Committee directly via Rotary International District 2750 website. 


7. Selection Schedule

(1) First Stage

The first stage interview will be on Saturday, 2 November 2024 by The Rotary Foundation, Scholarship Committee for Rotary International District 2750. The details of venue (Kamata, Ota-ku) and time will be announced later to eligible candidates. 

There will be no online interviews, except for those in Guam, Saipan, Micronesia, or Palau. 

The result is scheduled to deliver by Friday, November 8, 2024.

(2) Preliminary eligibility check (pre-check) by The Rotary Foundation headquarters

Pre-check is scheduled between 16 November 2024 – 1 December 2024.

The final stage candidates must submit another set of documents for pre-check immediately.

(3) Second Stage (final)

The date of final interview is to be announced to the eligible candidates. Those who passed both the interview and pre-check will be the qualified program participants. 

We expect to select 6 candidates in the first stage, and 4 at the final. 


8. From Qualification to Departure

(1) The Rotary Scholarship Committee will find a hosting district and club in the geographic area suitable for each scholar generally by March end. With that and the admission letter from graduate school, the scholarship committee and finalist will begin online grant application process to the Rotary Foundation headquarter for final approval. Soft copy of admission letter from the graduate school is mandatory.
(2) Final approval from the Rotary Foundation headquarter will arrive around June 2025, and the scholarship will be provided from June to July.
(3) Depart and prepare for your academic life from August/September/October. 


9. Remarks

(1) Expenses that are incurred, or activities that are in progress or already completed, before the grant is approved. Pay extra attention to the payment of air tickets and insurance.
(2) For travel and insurance, please review the Global Grant Scholarship Supplement of Global grants.
(3) Admission to the graduate school of your choice and finding a host club near the graduate school are the requirements to begin the final application process for The Rotary Foundation scholarship. Note that districts with prestigious schools such as Boston, London, and Paris receive so many applications and late entry may cause assignment to a host club in a distance.
(4) Attendance to the orientation by the district is mandatory.
(5) The scholarship recipient must submit a final report after completing the academic program. The following must be included;
1) Academic achievement and its relevance to Rotary areas of focus
2) Involvement to the Rotary activities and community
3) Statement of expense and receipts of USD75 and above.

Download and fill in the [Application Agreement] and [Application Form] below.
Please send your application to; sekine@rid2750.org.

R e s u m e (Scholarship introduction) form for pre-check


団体・大学関係者様関係 下記、ポスターをご掲示いただますと幸いです。



105-0011 東京都港区芝公園2-6-15黒龍芝公園ビル3階
E-mail.  sekine@rid2750.org
FAX. 03-5472-2750